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Videos: Lots of Running, Some Surfing, & Great Acoustic Music Performed by a German

Most of these are videos I've made with family and friends in mind. The music videos, of course, transcend those categories. More videos, including music created by friends, are on my YouTube page)

Trailers   Each is about 1-minute long. The majority depict runs some of us did, most recent events first.






Shorts       Varied length. Running interesting races and catching enticing waves. Not as glitsy as the trailers (but a lot more work).

Imogene Pass Runs

Several Imogene videos begin with their own trailers (in case you viewed the Trailers, above—you are not confused!).

Other Runs


Other Videos Altogether

Music        My friend, Thorsten, who stayed in my Airbnb and quickly became a lifelong friend...so talented.

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